Member agrees to indemnify and hold Pro Spirit and its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from any and all claims and demands, losses, liability costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees), incurred by an Indemnified Party arising out of or related to (i) Member’s breach of this Agreement; (ii) any information (including but not limited to Member Data and Member’s publicly posted information) submitted, posted, or otherwise provided by Member at the Member Web Site and/or to and/or its affiliates; (iii) any dispute or litigation between an Indemnified Party and a third party caused by Member’s actions; and (iv) Member’s negligence or violation or alleged violations of any rights of another; (v) any medical injuries/conditions related to the use of Pro Spirit Inc properties. These obligations will survive any termination of Member’s relationship with Pro Spirit Inc. or Member’s use of the Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the foregoing indemnity will apply regardless of any fault, negligence, or breach of warranty or contract of Pro Spirit and/or its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees.

JAN. 19th & FEB. 5th
PLEASE NOTE: This is a virtual competition performed at Pro Spirit. See venue section for full details.

TEAMS ATTENDING ENCORE: JAN 19th: Lady A, Nitrogen, Titanium, Xenon
TEAMS ATTENDING JAMFEST: FEB 5th: Arsenic, Ozone, Slate
Here we go ...
Things to Know:
Virtual Event details ... Unlike other venue events, this event will be conducted at Pro Spirit rather than a specified venue. However, this is a competitive event that will be filmed by event organization videographers and our performance will be submitted for judgement.
As for any event, you will arrive prior to the compete time for warmup and practice
We will be provided 2 opportunities for a recorded full out performance. Meaning we have the opportunity to perform twice and the best performance will be submitted for review.
We are not able to set the performance dates and times. The dates provided to us are firm and coordinated. Late submissions will not be accepted so please plan accordingly.
As this is a Pro Spirit hosted venue, "entrance" will be at no cost. Due to several teams being in the gym at one time for the virtual competition in addition to our normal practice sessions, space will be limited. The parent room will remain open for spectators.
​Performance will be submitted after filming.
Results will be Monday, January 27th for team attending Encore and Monday, Feb 15th for teams attending JamFest.
Performances can be streamed on Varsity's official broadcast site: VarsityTV. You can access their site HERE.
Please check this schedule for dates and updates. Specific times will be communicated via your team's band app.​
Sunday, January 19th & Wednesday, February 5th ​
TEAMS: JAN 19th: Lady A, Nitrogen, Titanium, Xenon
TEAMS: FEB 5th: Arsenic, Ozone, Slate
Virutal events are as stringent with timing as live events as we have event filmography ready to go at our assigned time slot. To ensure teams are prepared and pre-event warm-ups can occur, we ask that you please arrive timely at your team’s designated meet time.
Please stay attentive to any potential time annoucements/change via your team's Band App.