Member agrees to indemnify and hold Pro Spirit and its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from any and all claims and demands, losses, liability costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees), incurred by an Indemnified Party arising out of or related to (i) Member’s breach of this Agreement; (ii) any information (including but not limited to Member Data and Member’s publicly posted information) submitted, posted, or otherwise provided by Member at the Member Web Site and/or to and/or its affiliates; (iii) any dispute or litigation between an Indemnified Party and a third party caused by Member’s actions; and (iv) Member’s negligence or violation or alleged violations of any rights of another; (v) any medical injuries/conditions related to the use of Pro Spirit Inc properties. These obligations will survive any termination of Member’s relationship with Pro Spirit Inc. or Member’s use of the Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the foregoing indemnity will apply regardless of any fault, negligence, or breach of warranty or contract of Pro Spirit and/or its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees.
129 Aero Country Rd., McKinney, TX. 75071 | 972.346.9010 |
Pro Spirit membership is a privilege; as a private organization, we expect our members, athletes and parents, to uphold the highest standards in the gym and our community.
Team Parent Program Requirements - YOU are the TEAM behind the TEAM
1 Year Commitment
Joining a team at Pro Spirit is a yearlong commitment: May 2020 to the end of April 2021.
Whoever signs the release form is financially responsible
If a team member quits team for any reason, you forfeit all tuition fees/no refunds
Parent is responsible for ALL team purchased items such as practice wear, uniforms, etc.
After November 1, a Team buyout will automatically be set up; one half of the remaining team fees will be charged to fulfill your contractual agreement.
Accounts that are behind 15 days will be given a friendly reminder to catch up. Athletes that have accounts that become 1 month past due will no longer be able to participate until account is in good standing. A $30 late fee will be assessed on the 7th business day on any account that is past due.
Parent Expectations and Rules
Keep attendance policy and team membership expectations
Keep up with financial obligations
Refrain from negative gossip or create drama in the parent viewing room
Refrain from talking about other children in a derogatory way
Refrain from questioning the coach’s decision about team placement, routine, practices, etc.
Parents maintain manners and civility at all functions
Refrain from negativity towards a Pro Spirit Inc., team member, parent, coach, other gyms, via any medium (I.e. internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Group Me, text)
Refrain from inappropriate pictures, language to be used on any medium (i.e. internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Group Me, text)
Always have a sportsman-like behavior, via any medium (i.e. internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Group Me, text)
Never use the Pro Spirit contact list, parent emails or phone list for anything negative
Never approach an official or judge of a competition to voice a negative opinion. Compliments are accepted. Parents need to maintain manners and civility at all functions
Not post routine videos or music to the internet without permission from the staff.
Any parent that chooses to be in a reality show, etc., that may portray a negative image on Pro Spirit, or the sport of all-star cheer will be removed from the program. Breaking of any of the above rules may result in removal of the program.
In The Gym
Team members must put forth 100% effort at ALL practices
Team members must respect their team mates and coaches
Team members must wear required practice wear to ALL practices
Team members must wear their hair in a neat ponytail/with practice bow
Cell phones must be turned to silent and kept in coaches “bucket” entire practice
No gum or jewelry at practice.
Athlete Expectations and Rules
Never use of alcoholic or drugs; will warrant immediate dismissal
Never challenge the authority of the coach will warrant automatic dismissal from the team
Refrain from abusive behavior, lying, stealing or any other negative form of behavior is grounds for dismissal
Follow all additional rules and guidelines given by the coach or person in charge. Any negative behavior towards a Pro Spirit members, coaches, parents or to another gym, via any medium (i.e. internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Group Me, text) will result in dismissal from team
Never post inappropriate pictures, language or unsportsmanlike behavior to be used on any medium (i.e. ALL SOCIAL MEDIA FORMATS); will result in dismissal from team
Never approach an official or judge of a competition to voice a negative opinion. Doing so will result in dismissal your competitor from team. Compliments are accepted
Any athlete that chooses to be in a reality show, etc., that may portray a negative image on Pro Spirit, or the sport of all-star cheer will be removed from the program. Breaking of any of the above rules may result in removal of the program.
The TEAM PROGRAMS to include HYPE, ELEVATE AND ALL-STAR at Pro Spirit are competitive programs. In order for our teams to have success, members MUST BE COMMITTED AND MUST ATTEND ALL PRACTICES. All team members are expected to respect the team practice schedule. Poor attendance creates frustration amongst, coaches, athletes and parents. We simply cannot expect the results that the athletes want, coaches and parents want without full practices.
The 2018-2019 Attendance Policy will be enforced for all our team programs. Please note there will be no warnings or exceptions. Thank you for your support; we are 100% confident that with 100% attendance we will be 100% successful!! GO PRO!
All team practices are MANDATORY; to include extended practices and extra practices.
Absence Notification
If an athlete must miss a practice, a PARENT must notify their head coach and/or cc Trey Beaty or Shelly Wiggins with the date and reason for the absence 1 week in advance.
Absence notification MUST COME FROM A PARENT and is to be emailed only using the Absence Request Form found on our website. CLICK HERE to go directly to the form.
Athletes are allowed 3 absences only, regardless the reason, from September 1st through the end of their competition season (April or May 2021).
Absence Without Prior Notification
Athletes that miss practice, without notifying their head coach and Trey Beaty or Shelly Wiggins, will automatically be removed from the routine; no exceptions.
Athletes maybe reinstated after a month of attending practices.
Athletes will be expected to continue to come to practices to maintain team membership.
Late Arrivals / Leave Early
Athletes that arrive late or leave practice early must notify their head coach and Trey Beaty or Shelly Wiggins.
2 late arrivals/leave practice early equal an absence.
Summer Attendance Policy
Absence notification for ALL SUMMER pre-scheduled camps, vacations, etc. MUST BE SUBMITTED BY email JUNE 1st; A PARENT must notify their head coach and cc Trey Beaty or Shelly Wiggins with ALL date and reason for the absence.
Choreography camps are mandatory.