Member agrees to indemnify and hold Pro Spirit and its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from any and all claims and demands, losses, liability costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees), incurred by an Indemnified Party arising out of or related to (i) Member’s breach of this Agreement; (ii) any information (including but not limited to Member Data and Member’s publicly posted information) submitted, posted, or otherwise provided by Member at the Member Web Site and/or to Pro-Spirit.com and/or its affiliates; (iii) any dispute or litigation between an Indemnified Party and a third party caused by Member’s actions; and (iv) Member’s negligence or violation or alleged violations of any rights of another; (v) any medical injuries/conditions related to the use of Pro Spirit Inc properties. These obligations will survive any termination of Member’s relationship with Pro Spirit Inc. or Member’s use of the Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the foregoing indemnity will apply regardless of any fault, negligence, or breach of warranty or contract of Pro Spirit and/or its suppliers, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and employees.


Pro Spirit is thrilled and honored to congratulate and welcome our entire All Star Program to All Star World Competition. Attending ASW is not only an accomplished honor, but a testament to all the hard work, time and commitment you have invested. The talent and abilities of each and every athlete has made the team the success that it is. Pro Spirit is proud of each and every one of you and we are looking forward to ending the season strong and successful. When you are out on that mat and on that stage we want you to lift your heads up high and enjoy the moment. Do your job and hit that zero !!! We want you to know that your gym, your coaches, your family, your friends and your fellow athletes are cheering you on. Good luck teams, we are anxiously awaiting to celebrate together at All Star World.

Atomic, Miss Mercury, Slate, Titanium, Xenon - Please make sure you arrive to Orlando by 4/17/2024 @ 3:00 pm. Please make return arrangements no sooner than 4/19/2024 @ 9:00 pm.
Lucky Starz, Nitrogen - Please make sure you arrive to Orlando by 4/19/2024 @ 3:00 pm. Please make return arrangements no sooner than 4/21/2024 @ 9:00 pm.
UNIFORM INFORMATION - PLEASE make sure to pack your uniform and bow. Being on travel, we will not have the ability to assist with missing uniforms.
SCHEDULES - Posted below.
CONTACTS AT ASW - Please make sure to stay up to date on your band apps. We will make any updates through Band AND this GDP.
FAQs - Please check out the FAQ section for commonly asked questions.
PLEASE NOTE: Schedules are subject to change by the competition producers. We will update THIS GDP and send notifications via band when changes are made. Please check back often for updates !!!
CONTACT US - How do I contact the gym/front office?For questions directly related to your team, please reach out to your team's coach(es). You can find their contact information under the "Team Info" tab and then your individual team tab. For questions related to operations or administration, please reach out to the front office: email info@pro-spirit.com or starr@pro-spirit.com call (972) 346-9010 after 5:00 pm text (469) 406-6246 3:00 - 9:00 pm
ABSENCE - I have to be absent during a regularly scheduled practice time. Who should I notify?If you need to miss a practice we ask that you notify your team coach. You can do this using the following link: https://www.pro-spirit.com/absence
OPEN GYM - When do open gyms occur and who can attend?Open gyms are open to all athletes both Pro Spirit athletes and non Pro Spirit athletes. Open gyms occur every Thursday from 8:00 - 9:00 pm. Please note that open gym will be cancelled when the gym is closed for holidays. Please check the holiday calendar when applicable. - Free for team athletes - $5 for class members - $10 for guest Guests require an annual release form to participate. Please complete here: https://www.pro-spirit.com/release
PRIVATE LESSONS - How do I schedule?Are you interested in scheduling a private lesson. If you know the coach you would like to schedule with, please email or text them directly. If you need assistance finding a coach and schedule, please email us at info@pro-spirit.com.
MAKE UP SESSIONS - How does this work?Make up sessions are only available for athletes that have missed at least 1 of their regularly scheduled sessions during business hours. This does NOT include holiday closures. If an athlete has missed a session we will automatically add them to the make up session. Upon arrival, please stop off at the front desk and let them know you are there for a make up sessions. Athletes who have NOT missed a regular class session will be charged an add-on class session of $20. Our make up session is offered once a month on the last Friday of each month from 6:30 - 7:25.